PHYSICS project has just terminated its first Impact Intensification period, in which efforts were further pursued to increase the external involvement in the project activities. This doesn’t mean that the project remains idle in other periods; but in September specifically, partners collectively reach out to stakeholders to build an online connected community, leveraging expertise in social media strategy and existing partner networks. In order to boost this first round, three hackathons have been scheduled, with a pool of selected participants to test the Physics platform and give feedbacks.
The first hackathon will take place from the 23 until the 25 of November. The first day will be a small session to launch the activity and assign mentors. Participants are mostly students, which have a general overview about the scope and tasks to be developed, as well as links to all the necessary information
There will be two challenges: one called Runtime Challenge, which main objective is to provide ideas about how to orchestrate workflows during runtime. The other it’s the Security Challenge, where a group of Cybersecurity experts will evaluate platform vulnerabilities and provide easy ways to solve them. The rest of the time, participants will interact with their assigned mentors off-line. Once the deadline expires, they will provide the code and a small pitch introducing their solution.
Then, jury will evaluate all proposals: each of the members of the jury will assign points for each of the evaluation criteria to pick the winner.
This first experience will be followed by two more sessions in early 2023.
But that’s not all is cooking for PHYSICS; the consortium has organized a clustering webinar with CHARITY project, which will take place on the 29th of November, to introduce and demonstrate the design environment.
A workshop about the three-project pilots is scheduled for early 2023, to present and share more hands-on results. As of October 2022, we are proud of the obtained results, with PHYSICS Reusable Artefact Marketplace up and running, 26 registered users and 15 artefacts already integrated.