5th Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing Performance (HotCloudPerf 2022) at ICPE 2022
9. April, 2022 – Virtual Conference
The HotCloudPerf workshop proposes a meeting venue for academics and practitioners, from experts to trainees, in the field of cloud computing performance. The new understanding of cloud computing covers the full computational continuum from data centers to edge resources to IoT sensors and devices. The workshop aims to engage this community and to lead to the development of new methodological aspects for gaining a deeper understanding not only of cloud performance, but also of cloud operation and behavior, through diverse quantitative evaluation tools, including benchmarks, metrics, and workload generators. The workshop focuses on novel cloud properties such as elasticity, performance isolation, dependability, and other non-functional system properties, in addition to classical performance-related metrics such as response time, throughput, scalability, and efficiency.
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