Aiming to demonstrate the PHYSICS Design Environment, the PHYSICS project organized a tutorial in the frame of the IEEE International Congress on Intelligent and Service-Oriented Systems Engineering of 2023 (CISOSE 2023) held Athens, Greece between July 17-20. The tutorial was led by Dr. George Kousiouris, Assistant Professor at the Harokopeio University of Athens. Entitled “ENRICHING DEVELOPMENT PLATFORMS FOR FUNCTION AS A SERVICE FRAMEWORKS”, the tutorial shed light on a plethora of valuable aspects of the project’s design environment. It introduces the bases of Function as a Service, the challenges of application development in the FaaS model, the limitations of FaaS platforms, and the strategic goals of the H2020 PHYSICS project. The event was attended by 40 participants, who have been engaged in discussions on the value-added of the PHYSICS project outputs.

For future webinars and workshops on this topic, follow the PHYSICS project on Social Media!